Hey there! I’m Ashley and I'm Evan's wife. What an adventure Apex has been... Guess it's finally time to start sharing a little more about us and our industry! First off, welcome to my first ever blog! Please try not to fall asleep... I'm Evans wife and here I’ll be writing a little about our family life as well as more relevant topics pertaining to home ownership, renovations and some other cool stuff too! Some articles I post to the blog will be more educational, useful and industry specific, so keep an eye out for those, but we also believe in sharing a little about us and our life, so you know who you’re bringing into yours! I’m not a blogger and it’s taken 4 or 5 years for Evan to convince me to do this-. I’ll try my best to not disappoint! I’m planning to add more before & after photos to the blog AND the website this spring, so please come back to check those out! Also, if you have any topic suggestions or requests for me and the guys, please send that in using the message form at the bottom of the page- we’d love to hear from you and answer any questions you may have!

Thanks for reading guys!
-the wife